Spokony Lab

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Prospective Undergraduate Research Assistants

Letter to Undergraduate Applicants

Dear Potential Undergraduate Researcher,

Thank you for your interest in becoming involved in the research in the Spokony Lab in the Natural Sciences Department at Baruch College. Participating in research has been shown to greatly enhance an undergraduate STEM education. Undergraduate students who work in my lab are expected to contribute significantly to the intellectual content of their research projects and to ultimately earn authorship on peer-reviewed publications. This requires a significant commitment of time and enthusiasm to the lab group, the research, and to one’s own intellectual development. I am looking for intellectual enthusiasm and the potential to learn quickly rather than a specific skill set or knowledge base. Preference will be given to students early in their college careers, with interest in participating in research for a minimum of 2 semesters or a semester and a summer.

Independent Study:

Independent Study Applications must be started a minimum of two weeks before they are due (August 1 for fall, December 1 for winter and January 1 for spring). Draft applications must be turned in for comment a minimum of one week before the deadline.

Thank you again for your interest and feel free to contact me with any questions.


Rebecca Spokony

Laboratory Expectations

The expectations for students joining my lab group are:

1. Regular attendance and participation, including at least 24 hours notice if you cannot make it in at a scheduled time.

2. A minimum 2-semester commitment to the lab

3. A average minimum of 8 hours per week of research during the academic year

4. Yearly presentations of work at research symposia or scientific meetings

5. Final written reports on all research findings including complete lab notebooks, data files, and analyses

6. Contribute equally to shared laboratory chores and responsibilities

7. Registration in 1 hour of research credit per semester when possible

8. Being willing to apply to apply for external funding resources when recommended

9. Absolute scientific integrity

Application Requirements

Research is not easy. It can be tedious and frustrating, but also extremely rewarding. If you feel you are prepared to make the commitments outlined above, please email Dr. Spokony a copy of your resume and a two page letter/essay on why you want to be participate in research in my laboratory and your career goals.

Application Deadlines

August 1st by 5 pm for consideration for beginning in the Fall

January 1st by 5 pm for consideration for beginning in the Spring

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